Relevance Between Standing Period and Working Fatigue on Simpang Jam Gas Station Operator in Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Clinical Medicine And Health Research Journal,
Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024),
7 February 2024
Page 761-764
Background: Workplace fatigue is a major concern that demands proper management, as it can result in various health issues. Gas station attendants who remain stationary for prolonged periods are especially susceptible to this problem. Therefore, this study aims to examine the relationship between standing time and work fatigue among Simpang Jam gas station operators in Banda Aceh City.
Research method: In order to explain the relevance between standing period and work fatigue, this study uses descriptive analytics. All 30 officers participated in the study as the population. At the Simpang Jam Gas Station in Banda Aceh City, this study was carried out in June. Chi-Square test was conducted.
Results: 40.0% of respondents reported being at risk and frequently worn out when standing for extended periods. Additionally, 91.7% of respondents experienced discomfort and exhaustion while working in standing positions.
Conclusion: Standing time and work fatigue have a relationship with a P value of 0.017, and standing work position and work fatigue have a relationship with a P value of 0.005.
Suggestion: When operators begin to experience signs of work fatigue, provide chairs for them and pay closer attention to rest periods.

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